Larsen Reunion 2016
We all gathered in Midway for a Larsen reunion. Emily & Nick were in charge of it this year. For my family we rented a VRBO over by Deer Valley in Park City. It was a nice big home with plenty of bedrooms. Deb & I started off the trip with an overnight stay at Ruth Lake in the Uintas. As usual I climbed on the Good Medicine Wall above the lake. I didn't fish this year, but Nick did with his kids. For once we didn't get rained on and in fact it was rather hot for the high country. The rest of my clan drove up the state and joined us. We dominated the reunion with all of my kids and grandkids (8). Midway is so nice in the summer. Naturally I helped Dad hook up the pony cart for the kids. He had restored the cart this past winter and it was in top shape. Marty and I brought up our mountain bikes and we had a great ride on the trails of Deer Valley Resort. The mid-mountain trail above Park City is awesome. We could spend the entire summer getting to know all of the trails up there. It is good to see all of my brothers and their children from time to time.
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