Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Lexi is Born

Angie had her baby girl early this morning.  Lexi weighed 7 pounds even and has lots of dark hair.  Everything went very well and mother and baby came home this evening.  She came a couple of weeks early to everyone's delight.  Debbie was there for her birth and has spent most of the day over at the hospital with Angie and Christian.  I had a work shift at the hospital and only got to spend a short time with Lexi.  I hope to see her again tomorrow.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dog Days of Summer

I had the past week off from work.  I had hoped to make it to the Tetons or the Winds for some peak bagging, but I couldn't find a partner with the same days off.  I was able to get one of the rangers at Zion to travel with me for 3 days.  We had plans to hit the Uintas and sample more of the rock climbing there other than at Ruth Lake and the Good Medicine Wall.  However, a very rainy forecast pushed us to change our plans at the last minute and instead we traveled up to southern Idaho and camped out at the City of Rocks.  The climbing there has always been good and we were not disappointed.  We had sunny and warm weather with a good camp site.  A couple of days later and 20 pitches of climbing we made the drive back home.  The next morning we helped out with a SAR out of the bottom of the Subway where a German man in his late 70's had injured his leg.  Debbie and I then went canyoneering for our anniversary getaway.  We had planned on doing the Subway again, but this time via a variation through Russell Gulch.  We got a late start, but the days are still hot and long.  The raps in Russell Gulch proved exciting (three 1 hundred foot raps) and the Subway surprisingly void of other parties.  We saw only 5 other humans the entire trip through!  Naturally we made it to Oscars for a Murder Burger by nightfall.