Fit To Be Thaid
Got up early this morning to get out climbing while the sky was clear, the temperatures slightly cooler and the Euro climber crowd still sleeping off their booze. Thought I would check my e-mail and tried to send a quick message then the computer didn't work and it got us off a little late and of course I was "fit to be tied". Then we hiked up through the slippery jungle to the base of the Thaiwand Wall. The first climb we climbed was named "Fit To Be Thaid"! It is my new favorite climb here at Railey. Steep and pumpy with lots of exposure and a killer view. The afternoon was spent on the beach and sure enough an afternoon rainstorm came along. We did manage to squeeze in a few more climbs before dark and dinner at Mom's Kitchen. A great Thai dinner for 11 dollars (for the both of us). Tomorrow should be the same (hopefully without the rain storm).